2010年4月1日 星期四

Journal 2

Nowadays, we can make daily life with camera. The saying goes: The camera never lies. Although the camera never lies, photos do. Do you believe pictures can lie? In my opinion, I think the answer is “Yes”. Why do I think so? Because we can use more and more software to modify photos so that we look beautiful. Through it, photos would become beautiful. For instance, a person who is very fat would look very thin by modifying photos or their skin would be looked smoother than before modifying it. As a result, I think some celebrities are not innate beauty; they become beautiful on photos by modifying photos.

On the Internet, many people modify photos so exaggerated that we can’t identify him/her in reality life. For me, I don't want to modify the photos because I think that's not real me.

1 則留言:

  1. Hi Penny,

    1. I like the sentence: Although the camera never lies, photos do!

    2. Because we can use more and more software to modify photos:請改寫這句,因為邏輯不太對,翻成中文你就知道哪裡有問題。

    3. For instance, a person who is very fat would be looked very thin by modifying photos or their skin would be looked smooth than before modifying it. 請改be looked, 沒有be looked這種寫法喔! 另外,你有'than'但前面卻沒有比較級的形容詞出現?也請修改。

    4. As a result, I think some celebrities are not innate beauty and they become beautiful on photos by modifying it.最後的it是錯誤的代名詞。and在這兒連的不順,用分號或句號會比較好

    5. On the Internet, many people modify photos so exaggerative that we can’t identify him/her in reality life. 這裏的exaggerative是修飾動詞,所以詞性要改。

    6. In short, some people like to modify photos, but some people don’t like to do it.這個天外飛來的結論整更就是怪,太突然了。Delete it 或想其它的ending

    Finally, please kindly enlarge 你的字體 so that an old man like me can read better.
